You only have to download cashregister.exe (and, optional, pricelist.csv).
   All other files, as described below, are generated by cashregister.exe .

    With the second start of cashregister.exe it then uses these file's.
    Note that all files can be editted with notepad or wordpad or .. but
    make sure you save the result in txt format.

  • Layout file pricelist.csv
    This file contains items to sell which can be organized in blocks (menu's).
    You must alter it with an editor or spreadsheet.

  • Layout file taxclasses.txt
    This file contains the tax classes used for the items to sell. Up to 5 classes can be used.
    You may alter it with an editor.

  • Layout file balloon_lingua.txt
    This file contains the text of the ballon tips, some kind of help if you need it.
    You may alter it with an editor.

  • Layout file etc_lingua.txt
    This file contains text that is used for buttons, receipt, messages, reports, etc.
    You may alter it with an editor.

  • Layout file menu_lingua.txt
    This file contains the text used for the program menu.
    You may alter the texts with an editor.

  • Layout file preferences.txt
    This file contains settings for the program.
    You may alter value's with an editor.

  • Layout file solds.txt
    These files contain selling information (something like summarized receipts but then different):
    when sold and by who, how much and how payed, how much tax per tax class, retail and wholsale totals.
    You may use them with an editor or better spreadsheet.

  • Tricks

