Satellite Director NG Map Help

Satellite direction

  • Screen orientation: towards the equator
  • Zoom in/out
    - tap on the screen and the zoom control shows itself. Tap + (zoom in) or - (zoom out).
    - put 2 fingers on the screen and move them towards each other to zoom in or away from each other to zoom out.
  • Lost or where am I ?
    Go back to the Settings screen and switch back to the Map screen. The screen centers at the selected location.

Find your location

  • Screen orientation: North
  • Location search
    Hold one finger on the screen and move it around over the screen.
  • Select location
    Tap one finger on the screen and see how the aqua map indicator changes to that location. Zoom in to get a more accurate position.
  • Zoom in/out
    - tap on the screen and the zoom control shows itself. Tap + (zoom in) or - (zoom out).
    - put 2 fingers on the screen and move them towards each other to zoom in or away from each other to zoom out.
  • Lost or where am I ?
    Go back to the Settings screen and check the displayed address. Switch back to the Map screen. The screen centers at the selected location (address).

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