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Interested in keeping Chersobius signatus?

The studbook management plan for Chersobius signatus anticipates on an increase of the number of studbook locations over the next years. We regularly need new locations to house offspring produced in the studbook. If you are interested to receive C. signatus offspring, the following information is of importance:
  • You should be based in Europe.
  • Tortoises and their offspring remain the property of Dwarf Tortoise Conservation and are transferred to you on loan.
  • Many C. signatus may not be bred for a long period of time (see the studbook management plan for an explanation). We are particularly interested in locations that would not mind keeping C. signatus without breeding them.
  • Keeping of C. signatus in the studbook is on a strict non-commercial basis.

If you are still interested, this is what you should do:
  1. Carefully study the caresheet on C. signatus to verify that you can meet the species' requirements.
  2. Carefully study the studbook management plan to verify that you can support the aim and methods of the studbook.
  3. Send us a message that explains that you would like to keep C. signatus. Some information about yourself and a motivation would be appreciated.
We will review your application and contact you.
